
JUNE 27, 2024:

Something wicked this way comes... the season of battle is upon us.

Starting July 1st, I will be participating in my second year of ARTFIGHT!

I've drawn up some new characters for this occassion -- Benny & Inca -- and I'm eager to get started!

~ Jericho



JUNE 1, 2024:

The POETRY section is up and running! Writing is such a lovely process...

really, I should compose poems more often, but I'm happy to start by sharing some I've written in the past.

Wishing a good a day upon you, reader-- have some banana bread or something ♡

~ Jericho



APRIL 22, 2024:


I will continually update this information as I straighten out all the kinks! All you potential customers need to know

is that I am reachable by EMAIL or DISCORD; let's talk about your idea and find the right price!

Stay tuned :]

~ Jericho



MARCH 30, 2024:

MAN OF MANY UPDATES!! Head over to CHARACTERS for a hot-off-the-press OC personality quiz!

Which are YOU most like? A secret 6th personality is hidden within...

Character bios have also been updated slightly, my friends' websites are now linked on the MUSES page,

and, finally, an all new SOURCES page (my works cited) has been created.

~ Jericho

P.S. i learned how to image map! perhaps the image on the HOME page is more than meets the eye...



MARCH 29, 2024:

Well damn! I've had a lot on my plate recently! I will be nestling back into my website , making it through each day...

Reminders from the webmaster: drink some water :) stand up from your chair/cozy spot if you haven't in a while, if you'd rather, you can stay seated,

stretch your neck to the left <--- take a deep breath, relax your shoulders.

stretch your neck to the right ---> take a deep breath, relax your shoulders.

☆〜Well Done〜☆

~ Jericho



JANUARY 17, 2024:

Happy New Year, folks! Wishing you a lovely four seasons ♡

Want to see some of my original characters I've designed?

Take a stroll through GALLERY to find the new CHARACTERS page!

~ Jericho



DECEMBER 8, 2023:


~ Jericho



AUGUST 24, 2023:

NEW! This site is slowly but surely being populated...

Plenty of amateur coding to keep you busy while I work on building new sections and uploading more art pieces :) Stay tuned!

Have you checked out MY STORE yet? New designs have just been added!

~ Jericho



AUGUST 2, 2023:

Art fight is OVER! But you may view my profile at any time!

~ Jericho



JULY 12, 2023:

Until i've got this site up and running, please check "MY CARRD" for some basic information!

I am currently particpating in ART FIGHT!

Click the link to visit my profile :)

There, you can find my most recent artwork and full reference sheets + featured pieces for my original characters.

As of now, that is the only place I post my art. Thanks for stopping by!

~ Jericho

p.s. the creature in my logo is named Mascot-chan... she accompanies me wherever I go across the interweb ♡
